Monday -Friday - 9:00 - 18:00 New Zealand Time


A tax audit from the IRD means that they want to check into your financial affair to see if you pay the right amount of tax to the government. It is their power to request everything from you and you have to supply everything that they asked. An IRD audit period is a long and stressful time for the taxpayers.

The taxpayer needs to know their right and what they should and should not do in the tax audit. However, it is not very wise if the taxpayer handles a tax audit alone.

If you are facing a tax audit with the IRD, we can help you. With our expertise in tax knowledge and experience, we can help you get through the tax audit with the best result. Click here for more information. 

Disclaimer: The following answer necessarily sets out general principles only. The facts of particular cases always need to be considered carefully, and it may be necessary to obtain advice from a tax expert.

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New Zealand Tax Accountant.